NCLT: Section 14 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code does not differentiate between assessment, quasi-judicial or judicial proceedings.

The National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai (“NCLT/ Adjudicating Authority”) has in its judgement dated July 29, 2022 (“Judgement”), in the matter of M/S Ravi Infrastructure and Projects v. KSS Petron Private Limited [CP (IB) 1202/MB/C-II/2017] held that Section 14 (Moratorium) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“IBC“) does not differentiate between assessment, quasi-judicial or […]

NCLAT: Re-agitating an issue which has attained finality is an abuse of the process of law.

The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (“NCLAT”), in Vikas Dahiya v. Arrow Engineering Limited [Company Appeal (AT)(Insolvency) No. 699 of 2022] (“Appeal No. 699 of 2022”) and Oval Investment Private Limited v. Arrow Engineering Limited [Company Appeal (AT)(Insolvency) No. 812 of 2022] (“Appeal No. 812 of 2022”), held that re-agitating an issue which has attained […]

Supreme Court: In the absence of any period of time and limitation prescribed by the enactment, every authority is to exercise power within a reasonable period

The Hon’ble Supreme Court (“SC”), in Securities and Exchange Board of India v. Sunil Krishna Khaitan and Others [Civil Appeal No. 8249 of 2013], examined the question of delay and laches in initiating proceedings and held that in the absence of any period of time and limitation prescribed by the enactment, every authority is to […]